Denby C.E. (V.A) First School, Part of the the Green Hills First Federation

Our Curriculum

Denby C.E. (VA) First School Statement of Intent:

We have planned our curriculum to extend the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world they live in, to enable them to use their skills confidently and in a range of situations and enrich their lives by exposing them to a variety of first hand experiences and opportunities. We intend to create confident, resilient, independent learners, with a love of learning and with high aspirations for the future. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.
We look for the awe and wonder in the world around us and celebrate our part in this. Through our Christian or individual beliefs we develop our spirituality and opportunities for reflection.
We intend to develop respectful individuals who value keeping themselves healthy in mind and body and who make positive contributions to their community.

Denby C.E. (VA) First School follows the National Curriculum 2014 Programmes of Study that can be accessed via the following link.


Our Curriculum

All staff and classes across the Green Hills Federation follow the same curriculum which is bespoke to our schools and carefully adapted to meet the needs and priorities for the children that we teach and the locality that we serve.


We teach this curriculum across three mixed-age classes:

Reception / Year 1 - Class 1

Year 2 / Year 3 - Class 2

Year 4 / Year 5 - Class 3 

You can find links to the Long Term Plans for each class by clicking on the class names above.


From children’s Reception year we aim to embed and develop the Early Year’s Curriculum so that it feeds through into the Key Stage One curriculum and beyond.


We have developed topics that deliver the key National Curriculum skills and knowledge for pupils and identify progression within the taught curriculum. This means that key areas of learning are revisited and built upon year on year.


Within our curriculum we identify ambitious and appropriate targets for pupils to reach at the end of each key stage and Year 5 so they are prepared for middle school education and Year 6 curriculum.


Our curriculum is designed to be engaging and relevant to the children in our school today. It provides opportunities for independence, collaboration, creativity and exploration.


Maths and English permeate throughout the whole curriculum. Children will be taught at and above year group expectations, with additional support and interventions in place for those children who require it.


In English reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are developed. There is a high focus on punctuation and grammar but an equally high expectation of creativity and presentation. The reading scheme we follow is a colour banded scheme devised in school to ensure progression. Reception children are taught using a synthetic phonics scheme - "Monster Phonics". We also send home Monster Phonics reading books. This builds children's speaking and listening skills to prepare them for reading and writing.


In Maths children are encouraged to enjoy and explore number with a high expectation for knowing and using number facts. Where possible maths is taught through a 'using and applying' approach using real life problems and mathematical puzzles.

The long term plan maps out coverage of subjects such as History, Geography and Science which are used to plan topic titles. Links are made where possible to subjects such as Design Technology, Art, Computing and Music, but these subjects are also planned as standalone lessons where necessary. French (Y2 onwards) PE, PSHCE and RE are also taught throughout the year, cross curricular links are made but subject specific schemes of work are followed.

As well as the planned curriculum which has subject coverage there is also the curriculum which promotes social , moral, spiritual and cultural awareness. This is a real strength of the school and is integrated in every subject in every part of the day

As a community school with a Christian foundation, we deliver Religious Education through the use of Understanding Christianity documentation and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Kirklees

Please see the 'class' pages of our website for our Long Term Planning Cycles.

Each term we produce a Curriculum Newsletter for each class to let you know in more detail what your child will be studying. These can also be found on the 'class' pages.

If you would like more information about the curriculum please contact Mrs Lynsey Wagstaff who has overall responsibility for the school curriculum. 

For further information, please see our Curriculum Policy which can be found here.