Our School Day
The school day begins at 8:50am. Children are expected to be in the playground ready for the school doors opening at 8:50am. Registers are closed at 9:10am. Children arriving after this time but before 9:20am are marked as late in the register.
There is a 15-minute break for all children each morning.
Lunchtime is from 1.:50am Foundation and Year 1 children until 1:00pm and from 12:00 - 1:00pm for all other children. School ends at 3:20pm for all children.
Reception and Year 1 children should be collected from their classroom door at the end of the school day. Children in classes 2 and 3 should be collected from the main school door where they will be dismissed by their class teacher.
If your child is being collected by someone who does not usually collect them, please inform the class teacher or school office.