Denby C.E. (V.A) First School

Class 3

We are Year 4 and 5 pupils.

 Our teacher is Mr Oldham and we are helped by Mrs Wright.


Weekly Reminders

 PE: Wednesday and Friday

Spelling Test: Friday

Maths Skills: Friday

Library: Every 3rd Friday

(Library dates are shared via the half-termly Newsletter and the text messaging service)


Please click here for 'Books for Topics' recommended reads for Year 4 pupils

Please click here for 'Books for Topics' recommended reads for Year 5 pupils

Reading in Class 3

Click here for a list of recommended reads for Year 4 children

Click here for a list of recommended reads for Year 5 children


Please click here to see the list of songs for the musical festival

Information about our Curriculum Our Class Newsletters
Autumn 2023 Curriculum Newsletter  Autumn 2023
Summer 2024 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2024


Our Photo Gallery

Scroll down the page to see what we have been up to...

Magna Science Adventure Centre

Class 3 went on a trip to Magna Science Adventure Centre. Throughout the day we had the opportunity to explore the centre and the different themed areas. These included air, fire, earth and water.

In the afternoon, we took part in a workshop where we expanded our knowledge on how volcanoes are formed. But first, we became rock investigators and had to identify different types of rocks by performing tests. We built our own volcanoes by using playdough. We erupted the volcanos and then placed playdough where the lava had set. We continued this until we had multiple layers. We then took core samples so that we could examine all the layers of rock in the volcano.


Year 5 have taken part in Bikeability training this term.

The training focused on developing their skills for safe and responsible cycling. They had to demonstrate various skills including signalling, communicating with drivers and riding safely on the road.

Extreme Earth

This half term (Autumn 1), our topic in Class 3 is ‘Extreme Earth’.

We are focusing on the book ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. Here, we have been exploring how we might feel during an earthquake through drama.

My Own Journey

The Year 5 children visited St James Parish Church in Flockton, they were alongside their peers from the other church schools within the Shelley Pyramid.

They took part in a Hand to Mouth journey called ‘My Own Journey’. The children were encouraged to reflect on their own journeys through their school life and think about the new things to come. The children were able to take part in a variety of activities such as biscuit decorating, rock painting, dancing and first aid.  

Cliffe House Residential

Class 3 had a brilliant time at Cliffe house!

We enjoyed the great variety of activities the amazing staff had planned for us, the tasty food and the chance to spend the night somewhere entirely different. We definitely reached out of our comfort zones and realised we are much braver than we thought! Cliffe house was an experience we won’t soon forget.

World Book Day

On Thursday 3rd March, Class 3 celebrated World Book Day!

Lots of us dressed up as our favourite book characters and we had some fun guessing who we all were!

We started the day by doing some paired reading in one area of the school with someone from a different class. This was great as we got to share our favourite books and read to someone new! After that, we worked hard to decorate our book tokens for the World Book Day competition. We came up with some brilliant and creative ideas, all linked to the importance of reading. We then had a go at a wide range of activities, including retelling a famous fairy tale through a comic strip but adding a twist! Some of us also had a go at writing some six word stories, which proved tricky but gave us some laughs. We also enjoyed a book themed scavenger hunt using the books in our class reading corner and in the library.

All in all, we thoroughly enjoyed our day and we really showed off our love of reading!

Mrs Sunderland Workshop

On February 17th, Class 3 went to the Mrs Sunderland workshop at the town hall. The theme of the day was ‘Climate Change’ and we worked together with composer and singer Sharon Durant to practise and perform the songs.

Even though not all of us could make it on the morning, we had all been practising the songs for quite a few weeks! All that hard work paid off and we did a terrific job singing them alongside the other schools.

Class 3 really showed what great singers we have at Denby and how hard we work! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we definitely delivered a very powerful message about climate change. We truly were real eco-warriors on the day!