Performance & Financial Data
Performance tables
It is a Department for Education requirement that each school provides a link to end of key stage 2 performance data - the link can be found here - however, as our pupils transfer to Middle School at the end of year 5 we cannot provide the end of key stage 2 data as this is obtained in year 6.
The link above also provides useful information regarding absence figures and financial data for the school.
How is our school funded?
The Department for Education (DfE) uses the national funding formula (NFF) to work out our school’s 'notional' core funding allocation, which it distributes to our local authority (Kirklees). Kirklees then applies its own local funding formula, through which it allocates our school's budget. (The government is in the process of moving to a different system, called the 'hard' NFF).
Local funding formulas are decided in collaboration with our local schools forum (a regular meeting of representatives from Kirklees and school leaders and governors).
Top-up funding:
- This is the funding required above the core funding our school receives, to enable a pupil with high needs to participate in education (SEN funding)
- It is paid by the LA which places the pupil in our school
- It should mainly reflect the additional support costs a school incurs relating to the individual pupil's needs
Unlike place funding, where our school gets the same amount for every place, top-up funding levels vary based on the needs of the pupil.
Other streams of funding...
Coronavirus support
For the 2020/21 academic year, there are various streams of support we can claim or receive from the government as a result of the pandemic.
Pupil premium funding
The pupil premium grant is additional funding our school receives for certain pupils.
It's allocated separately to the rest of our budget, and there are rules about how our school can spend it.
PE and sport premium (primary only)
Like the pupil premium, this money is allocated separately and there are rules about how we can use it.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)
Primary schools must provide free school meals to all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2.
Our school gets a grant of £444.60 per eligible pupil to cover the cost of this.
This is set out in the UIFSM conditions of grant.
As our school meals are provided by Kirklees Catering this funding is passed over to them to pay towards the cost of providing the school meal for pupils in Reception - Year 2 each year.
High-needs top-up funding for mainstream schools
We need to cover the first £6,000 of additional support costs for pupils with special educational needs. However, for costs above this we can access top-up funding, paid by the relevant LA.
Capital funding
The main sources of capital funding for maintained schools are:
- Devolved Formula Capital: for voluntary aided schools, we are paid an amount per pupil each year to pay towards capital projects. These projects should align with our school’s asset management plan. This is held on our behalf by the Diocese.
Financial performance data
Please follow this link to the DfE Schools Financial Benchmarking website for more detailed information on the school's financial performance in past years.
Salary information
Schools have a statutory duty to display any salaries which exceed £100,000 gross per annum.
We can confirm that Denby CE (VA) First School has no members of staff who are paid in excess of £100,000 per annum.