Denby C.E. (V.A) First School, Part of the the Green Hills First Federation

School Meals

We have an extremely good take up of school meals here at Denby First School. The meals are provided by Kirklees Catering Services. Children are also able to bring a packed lunch from home.

Packed lunches should be healthy with no chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks included and should not include nut products of any kind as we have pupils with a nut allergy.

Regular theme days are held where a special menu is provided, for example Chinese New Year, Bonfire Night - these theme days are also available to children who usually have sandwiches.

We are also pleased to have been awarded the Healthy Schools Award.

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.40 per day. School meals are paid for using the PARENT PAY online payment facility (credit or debit card payments) or via local Paypoint facilities (cash payments).

Meals should be paid for in advance; either weekly (£12.00) or half-termly (please work out the cost based on the number of days during the half-term when your child will have a school meal) or any amount over £12.00 can be paid using Parent Pay as long as the account is kept in credit.

When a child is ill or absent from school there is no charge and any money paid will be carried over. Reminders for overdue accounts will be sent out regularly either by e-mail, letter or text.



This is a Government initiative which provides a free school meal for all pupils up to and including Year 2.

Please do not top up your child's ParentPay dinner money account if they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 as they will not be charged for school meals until they move into Year 3 or the UIFSM scheme ends.



A carton of milk can be provided to each child every day and the cost of the milk is subsidised by the Intervention Board.

Milk may also be provided free of charge to pupils who are in receipt of free school meals if they meet the eligibility criteria. Milk is also provided free of charge to pupils in Reception who are not yet 5. The cost of milk becomes chargeable at the start of the term they turn 5.

Milk can be ordered for those pupils who are required to pay via School Milk UK. The School Office are contacted weekly by School Milk UK to advise of who will be having milk the following week. 

Milk can be ordered at any point during the term, but please note that the cut off day to receive milk for the following week is Wednesday. 


Free School Meals

Free school meals are available to pupils who meet the following criteria: -

Children and young people who live in Kirklees who:

  • attend full-time at a local authority school or sixth form
  • are under 19 years of age

and whose parents or carers receive one or more of the following:

  • Universal Credit.
  • Income Support.
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.

Please click here to find out how to apply for Free School Meals.



Even if you do not want your child to receive a free school meal (or they qualify for a free meal anyway under the UIFSM scheme) it is important that the free school meals application is still made as school receives additional funding to support the learning and development of pupils who qualify for free school meals.

If you require any further information or guidance please do not hesitate to contact us.